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Read Overview
- Goal
- What you should do to avoid plagiarism
- But I won't get caught!
- R U a dupe?
- The slippery slope with symbolic signs
- Cases of plagiarism and their consequences
Learn through Instruction
Menu: for explanations, video cases, examples, practice, reflection, and tests--organized by difficulty levels
- Basic Level
- View video case (one minute)
- Watch 2 examples that demonstrate non-plagiarism.
- Watch 2 examples that demonstrate plagiarism.
- Answer one practice question at a time with immediate feedback.
- Reflect on what you've learned.
- Try practice test: 4 questions
- Novice Level
- View video case (one minute)
- Watch 2 examples that demonstrate word-for-word plagiarism and how to fix them.
- Answer one practice question at a time with immediate feedback.
- Reflect on what you've learned.
- Try practice test: 4 questions
- Intermediate Level
- View video case (one minute)
- Watch 2 examples that demonstrate paraphrasing plagiarism and how to fix them.
- Answer one practice question at a time with immediate feedback.
- Reflect on what you've learned.
- Try practice test: 4 questions
- Advanced Level
- View video case 1 (one minute)
- View video case 2 (one minute)
- Watch 2 examples that demonstrate both word-for-word and paraphrasing plagiarism and how to fix them.
- Answer one practice question at a time with immediate feedback.
- Reflect on what you've learned.
- Try practice test: 8 questions
- Expert Level
- View video case 1 (one minute)
- View video case 2 (one minute)
- View video case 3 (one minute)
- Watch 2 examples that demonstrate sneaky plagiarism with multiple sources and how to fix them.
- Answer one practice question at a time with immediate feedback.
- Reflect on what you've learned.
- Try practice test: 10 questions (difficulty level similar to Certification Tests
Register Here and then Activate It from Your E-mail so You Can Take Certification Tests
Explanation: why registering your e-mail here and then activating it from your e-mail account is necessary
- Undergraduates and advanced high school students
- Masters and doctoral students
Take Certification Tests
- Information about both kinds of tests
- How a Certification Test works and using hints
- Take a test for undergraduate and advanced high school students
- Take a test for master's and doctoral students
Validate and View Certificates
- Instructions: for students and their instructors
- Validate and View Certificates: earned since 2023
See FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions and Their Answers
- Who can use these tutorials and tests? Are they free?
- I can't register. Where's the e-mail for completing my registration?
- I can't pass the test. I've tried over and over and I keep failing. What can I do? Why don't you tell me the correct answers?
- Can I use AI to get help in passing a Certification Test?
- Can I pass a Certification Test solely by guessing?
- I only missed one question. Why did I not pass the test? Is there something wrong with the test?
- My computer crashed right after I passed a test. I never received my Certificate. Will you send it to me?
- What mistakes am I making on the test?
- This is not what I was expecting. Why are you making this so hard for me?
- A lot of people are saying (on social media) that the undergraduate plagiarism test is harder than the graduate level test. Is that true?
- What kinds of questions are answered incorrectly most often on Certification Tests?
- I answered all the questions, but it says I did not answer enough questions correctly to pass. Why?
- Why must I answer at least 9 questions correctly in order to pass?
- I passed the test, but I never received my Certificate in my e-mail. Or I lost my Certificate. How can I get my Certificate?
- How do I save my Certificate? Convert it to PDF? Print it?
- I try to login with my e-mail address, but it won't accept my password. What can I do?
- I get an error message when trying to watch the videos. How can I see the videos?
- I passed the test, but I don't remember which e-mail I used at registration. How can I retrieve my Certificate?
- I know my Test ID or I have just logged in. How can I get my Certificate?
- I passed the test. Did I answer all 10 questions correctly?
- My instructor requires me to pass the "expert level" test. Where is it?
- I previously passed a Certification Test, but my instructor wants me to pass a new test. How can I do this?
- I originally registered for a Graduate Test. How can I take an Undergraduate Test (or vice-versa)?
- I passed a test, but my name or e-mail address is incorrect on my Certificate. What can I do?
- When I try to take a test or validate my Certificate, it says, "Invalid attempt to access..." or "Invalid referral from an unauthorized source..." What's wrong?
- I have a disability. I need to take the Certification Test in a different form or need more time than allowed. What can I do?
To help you pass a Certification Test
- How Certification Tests work: short video shows how to answer questions and use test hints
- Decision table: summarizes how to determine the kind of plagiarism
- Decision support: step-by-step guide for classifying plagiarism and non-plagiarism
- Hints: classification rules for how to recognize plagiarism
- What mistakes I am making on the test? describes more subtle and well-disguised plagiarism
- Patterns of plagiarism: examples demonstrate 15 types of plagiarism and 3 types of non-plagiarism (similar to questions on Certification Tests)
- Document used in the demonstration videos with color coding of elements : word-for-word quotations, paraphrasing, citation elements, and parts of references
- Document used in the demonstration videos with no color coding: PDF illustrates proper citations for direct quotes and paraphrasing, and references in APA Style (American Psychological Association)--no color coding.
- Document used in the demonstration videos which is largely plagiarized: with no acknowledgement of sources--no citations, no quotations, no references.
- Frequently asked questions: and their answers
- Simple diagram: how to avoid plagiarism
These are links to external websites
- Quiz: What Is Plagiarism at Indiana University? 10 questions with immediate feedback which progressively identify salient criteria for identifying plagiarism
- YouTube Video (18 min.): Anthony Pym from Australia provides additional examples and tips for how to pass one of the difficult Certification Tests.
- Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G., Williams, J. M., Bizup, J., & FitzGerald, W. T. (2016). The craft of research (4th. Ed.). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
- Online Writing Lab: Purdue University (OWL)
- understanding plagiarism, citing sources, ...
- Writing Tutorial Services: tutoring and writing guides at Indiana University Bloomington
- APA Style: American Psychological Association
Can I use AI to get help in passing a Certification Test?
Current AI chatbots are unlikely to help you pass one of the Certification Tests. What is more likely to help you is to actively engage with the instruction and practice with feedback.
Site Map
You are here. Links on this page provide more direct navigation to subsections; whereas links on the sidebar provide direct navigation to major sections of this website.
Acknowledge Site
- How to acknowledge these tutorials: Is it okay to use these online resources outside of Indiana University?
- Credits: for instructional design and development
- Volunteers: for participating in video cases
- Improvements: to the instruction and Certification Tests, 2002-present