Register Here and Activate It from Your E-mail so You Can Take Certification Tests
You must first register your e-mail address on this website and then activate your registration from your e-mail account before you can login to take any Certification Tests.
Registering with us solves 2 problems:
- Activating your registration through e-mail confirms that you can receive a Certificate sent to your e-mail address when you pass a test.
- You can later retrieve your Certificate for passing a test and e-mail it to your instructor or again to yourself.
We will not share your e-mail address with others. Your unique data are stored in a highly secure location. Only you can access your own information by logging in. Your instructors can later validate your Certificate if you provide them with your unique test ID number and one other piece of information on the Certificate. Registering with us also means that you give consent for the specific, limited use of your personal information as stated in our privacy policy.
Tips: help prevent errors and delays when registering
- Decide which e-mail account you will use--the one you want your Certificate sent to. Note that some school e-mail systems are configured to block certain kinds of messages, and if yours does so, you may not be able to activate your registration or receive a Certificate using your school or university e-mail account.
- People who register with their Gmail or Yahoo e-mail addresses usually succeed in activating their registration (if their school e-mail account is being blocked).
- Go to your e-mail account, and view a message in your inbox.
- Select and copy your e-mail address from the 'To' part of the message, so you can then paste it into the upcoming registration form.
- Return to this page to continue.
Register here: To which group do you belong?
Whichever link you select, you can later take Certification Tests at either level.
Did you already try to register? You can only register the same e-mail address once.
If you already submitted your registration form but have not yet confirmed it, then:
Send me a new e-mail to activate my:
Instructor registration
Instructors who want to try Certification Tests themselves must first register. Select the above group that applies to your students, and when completing the registration form, respond to question 5: I intend to review this as a learning resource for students I teach.